Showing posts with label Oliver Winery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oliver Winery. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

What You Should Have Eaten #47

Creamy Broccoli Soup with Cheddar and Chive Toast
Grilled Bacon and Smoked Gouda Sandwiches

Tonight’s drink is a Beanblossom Strawberry Hard Cider from Oliver Winery in Bloomington, Ind. My sister went to school in Bloomington, so she brought over this bottle that she found. When I drink beer, I don’t always like it when it’s too sweet, but when I drink wine, I like to lean on the sweet side. This drink was a perfect blend of that, sweet but not too sweet, and the strawberry wasn’t overpowering. I would really like to try the other ciders that the Winery offers.

This was a very easy meal to make, and a very tasty one at that. There were a few changes/substitutions, though.

Obviously, no onion. And the bacon wasn’t used correctly. Since I didn’t read the recipe ahead of time, I didn’t know that the bacon was for the toast, which I wasn’t making (more on that later). I bought it, I chopped it, I cooked it…then I got to the part of the recipe where I was supposed to add it to the cheese for the toast. Since I wasn’t making the toast, I dumped the bacon into the soup. No harm there, right? Right.

No hot sauce. See last week’s entry for the reason.

Whenever I eat soup, I love a sandwich with it, usually a grilled cheese. So I thought I’d do something fancy this time. Grilled smoked gouda and bacon sandwiches. Yeah, sounds awesome, right? Right.

So this was a crazy good dinner. The soup was enhanced by the bacon, and I sprinkled a bit of cheddar on it since I had a bag of it that wasn’t used for the toast. Combined with the amazingly awesome grilled cheese sandwiches, this was an unbeatable winter meal.

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas looming on the horizon. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!