Showing posts with label Neil Patrick Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neil Patrick Harris. Show all posts

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Picture Dump

Let's do some comic book themed pictures this week.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

TV Reviews for the Week of Dec. 14, 2008 Pt. 1

“What are you looking at? You’ve never seen a hypocrite before?”

The Superman discussion at the beginning was awesome and actually raised some good points. But they saved the best for last this episode. Starting with the kiss Penny gave Leonard (which was a very sweet moment), it was hilarious (sorry Louis C.K., it was). All of the gifts were perfect, and Sheldon’s reaction to his was priceless.

Wow. Carl Winslow, who was already big to begin with, has put on some weight. And seriously, has he ever played anything besides a cop? Die Hard, Family Matters, now this? I thought this was going to be a really nice, non-Intersect episode, but no, it went that way. All the relationship stuff was touching, though. I feel for Morgan. The little guy is just confused. I’m confused as to why Sarah is lying to Chuck about killing the Fulcrum agent. She did it to protect him and the Intersect, end of story.

“You’re like Weird Al Yankovick if he only wrote songs about banging my sister.”

So do we have a hot new cast member? I hope so, at least for the hotness. It might end up getting a little crowded, though. And they brought back Robin’s song! Yay!!!

Okay, before killing Meredith or myself, were I Noah I’d have Meredith start working her mojo on the glass. It may be bulletproof, but she’s gotta register some serious heat. That doesn’t work, take her out before you’re baked. Yay! He listened to me! Sort of. Hold up…that’s the end of the season? That seems…odd. So what do we have. Hiro has no abilities, but Ando does. We’ve got one new hero, two if you count Tracy as a new character (which technically she is, so let’s just say two). All of the non-central characters are dead, and they even took Sylar with them. So all in all, it’s business as usual, except next season they’ll be on the run. Kind of like Prison Break with powers, I guess. I’ve got to say, this season (I hate calling half a season a season. It doesn’t seem right) left me a bit cold. It started out with so much promise, then sort of petered out (hah!). It became too circular. Let’s hope they do a bit better next year.

Well now, that’s a pretty big callback. I never thought we’d see Charles (or D.B. Cooper) again, what with him being dead and all. I a bit disappointed that Sucre left, and I hope he’ll eventually find his way back. But I do understand why he left. I think it’ll a fun time watching Linc order around Self, T-Bag and Gretchen. And as for the big reveal next week, I do believe I called that one last week.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Soundtrack (CD Review)

Who will like this soundtrack? Fans of Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly/Serenity, the upcoming Dollhouse). Fans of Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, How I Met Your Mother). Fans of Nathan Fillion (Two Guys and a Girl, Slither, Firefly/Serenity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Fans of musical comedies (yeah...I got nuthin’).

During the writers’ strike of 2007/2008, Joss and his brothers got together and created this Internet sensation. It was aired as three +/- 14 minute episodes between July 15 and 20, 2008. NPH plays a super-villain, Dr. Horrible, who has a crush on a girl from the local Laundromat (Penny, played by Felicia Day). Nathan Fillion plays Horrible’s nemesis Captain Hammer, an extremely egotistical super-hero who actually ends up dating Penny.

The first two episode are full of hilarity, while the last is full of Joss Whedon relationship...setbacks.

The soundtrack is very short, clocking in at 25 minutes. But if you’ve seen the episodes or have even seen/heard the Buffy musical episode, it’s a great listen. NPH has a great voice. He doesn’t come across as an evil super-villain, but more like a love-sick puppy dog. Felicia has a very innocent sound to her voice, which is perfect for her character. Fillion is definitely the weak link if you’re looking at voice talent, but I think it fits his character perfectly. Captain Hammer would think he’s a better singer than he actually is.

The soundtrack is available as a digital download on ($8.99 or $.99/song), and both the soundtrack ($9.99 or .$99/song) and "season" ($4.99 or $1.99/episode) are available on iTunes. Trust me, they’re both worth it.

Listening to: Mika - grace_kelly_(album_version)
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

TV Reviews for the Viewing Week of Nov. 2, 2008 Pt. 1

"This is my wheelchair! There are many like it, but this one is mine! Without me my wheelchair is useless! Without my wheelchair I am useless!"

Ah, Peter and his whacky shenanigans. And if you don't get why that quote is hilarious, then go watch Full Metal Jacket.

"Sometimes all you can do is put an idea in a man’s head and hope for the best."

Mac is batshit crazy, and so is Tiffy if she's going to take him back after that. And good to see the women’s subplot going somewhere.

I seem to have skipped an episode. Thank goodness Fox has these things on line. Another Terminator was sent back? And another resistance fighter? This is getting ridiculous. At least Shirley Manson is starting to act like a robot. But so is Sarah. She never learned how to be a mother, and sometimes she can act as mechanical as Cameron. But wait, there’s more! Yet ANOTHER Terminator was sent back, this time to take the place of the FBI agent, but the other Terminator disables it. Seriously, why doesn’t Skynet just send an army of Terminators back?

"Forks are for eating, tridents are for ruling the seven seas."

More Sheldon goodness. Good. He’s vastly more interesting than Leonard, and an entire episode around the other two would be shaky at best, as evidenced by the episode that focused on the Indian guy (whose name I can never remember). I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Kaley Cuoco, though. She’s purty.

"Driver, can you run us into the nearest light post? Everyone buckle up. Not you Ted."

This episode is like the opposite of what we’ve been experiencing this season. Instead of whiney Ted, we get acceptance Ted and angry Ted. I do like how it ended, though.

Ew. Gretchen kissed an old man. Bellick stepped up, but now they’re one man down. And Mahoney, wow. Can’t say as I blame the guy.

"No, hey, I’ve been dealing with wedding details every single day for the last 30 days and I need a break. So, I’m gonna call my mom and I’m gonna tell her that I canceled the meeting at the club with the wedding coordinator, and then I have the whole day to sit at home and watch the Baby Stories marathon. It’s so good. It’s about babies...and their stories."

Looks like I missed another episode. OnDemand, here I come! I can’t say this enough: I lucked out with my in-laws, all around. I like to think that Angie lucked out, too.

How long has this show been on? Six years? This is the only time I can remember Aceveda showing some balls. And Shane seems to be enjoying his family time while on the run more than he did when he was living the crooked cop life.

Listening to: Breaking Benjamin - So Cold
via FoxyTunes