Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What You Should Have Read #59

Reviews for Comics Released May 9, 2012

Between my new issues and a handful of back issues, this was a big week for me. Let’s get right to the reviews.

Bendis and Bagley together is usually a no-brainer for me, but I’m getting very tired of Bendis and his Avengers, but that’s something I’ll get to with my New Avengers review. I’ve got no problems with Bagley’s art here. It’s solid and clean, and it’s what I expect from him. He’s not a superstar artist, but he’s dependable, and you always know what you’re going to get. I’m giving a bit of an internal eye roll, though, that this title even exists. I mean, I get the reason for it, but titles created solely in order to cash in on something rather than because the creators want to do a particular story, well, I find that those tend to come off as a bit flat and emotionless. This team of Avengers consists of the characters from the movie, including Maria Hill (no Cheese…excuse me, Agent Coulson…yet, but I’m sure he’s not far behind). Hell, even the last page smacks of MOVIE CROSS PROMOTION!!! That said, I’m enjoying this title more than either of the other Avengers titles at the moment. Just because I don’t like the reason for something doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the finished product.
I’ve never been able to get into Batman as a solo character. I loved what Morrison and Waid did with him during their JLA runs, but I’ve never been able to get into any of his solo series. I decided to give it a try with DC’s reboot since I liked both Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Although I enjoyed the first issue, I just couldn’t keep with it so I dropped it. After reading nothing but rave reviews, I decided to pick it up again this week, and I double-dipped by picking up the previous issue so I could get in on the ground floor of “Night of the Owls.” Dammit, looks like I’ve got to go back and pick up some back issues, because I’m officially hooked. I like that Bruce, while still a genius detective, is pretty damn tough. He’s a fighter, and not the kind who uses specially place nerve punches to quickly take out an opponent. He’s a brawler. I’m also enjoying the back-up stories with art by Snyder’s American Vampire cohort Rafael Albuquerque. Issue eight had an Alfred-focused story, and issue nine focused on Alfred’s dad. I’m loving this bit of history, and it makes me all the more eager to snatch up issues two through seven (my buddy bought the hardcover collection yesterday, and I’ll probably borrow that before I can pick up the single issues) of the series to see what else Snyder has done with Batman’s world and Gotham. It makes me think about James Robinson’s Starman, and that’s high praise indeed, since it’s my favorite series. If Snyder is going to continually give us a history lesson and make Gotham an actual “character” (and not just a dark collection of warehouses and alleyways) like Robinson did with Opal City, then sign me up. I do hope I can enjoy the current storyline without having to get the other tie-in issues. So far it looks like I’ll be able to. The flow between issues eight and nine was smooth, and a small blurb let me know that I can read about one of Bruce’s side missions over in Detective Comics, but it didn’t look like it had any bearing on the thread that’s running through Batman. So yay! I’m reading a Batman book, and that brings my New DC tally up to three!

I wasn’t able to hit up a comic book store last weekend to participate in Free Comic Book Day. Had it been the weekend that my kids’ mother had them, then I totally would have, but it wasn’t, so I couldn’t. My LCS had a few copies of Dark Horse’s contribution, though, and I grabbed one on my way out of the store. A Serenity story written by Zack Whedon? Yup, I’m in. And it was pretty awesome. It was short and sweet, and it really captured the voices of all the characters. I could totally see this as the opening of a new episode…and now I’m sad. The Star Wars story was good, too, but it felt extremely similar to the Serenity story.

I’m always surprised that enjoy Journey into Mystery so much. I’ve never been a fan of Thor or his supporting cast, and while I tended to enjoy J. Michael Stracyznski’s series, I was never really blown away by it. Kieron Gillen makes everyone so likeable, even “villains.” This issue gets a smidge confusing, but it’s explained away well enough. It’s part two of a crossover with the New Mutants (almost as bad of a name Cougar Town) that began with last week’s Exiled one-shot. There are a bunch of plotlines coming together, and it’s neat to see them all lead back to the same place. As excited I am to finally be involved in Batman’s world, I’m also excited to be learning about this new-to-me corner of the Marvel Universe.

I am disappointed in the current storyline in New Avengers. I assume there will be a decent payoff, but wow, Bendis is not doing his best work here. First of all, there is not a single appearance by an Avenger, new or otherwise, in this book. At least we got a panel or two of Iron Fist last issue. Between the Kree stuff going on in Secret Avengers and the K’un L’un stuff going on here, it looks as if the mythology of the Phoenix is being rewritten as to have a larger connection with the mystically cosmic part of the Marvel Universe. I guess that’s okay. It’s something you have to come to grips with in comics. Retcons happen. The Kree stuff makes sense. This, though…this just feels forced. And hey, let’s throw Leonardo da Vinci into the mix, too. Jonathan Hickman’s S.H.I.E.L.D. was confusing enough, but it mostly existed in a vacuum. Sure, Nathaniel Richards and Howard Stark showed up, as did the Brood and Galactus, but I was okay with that. The story, while trying to give S.H.I.E.L.D. a larger history in the Marvel Universe (unnecessary), was surprisingly insular. It didn’t (at least it hasn’t yet, and I don’t know what additional plans there are for the series) have any interactions with any regular Marvel characters and instead dealt more with inserting various classical thinkers and scientists into Marvel’s history. One of the main characters was da Vinci, and now Bendis has brought him over and shoehorned him into this crossover. After the wonderful Osborn stories, the past two issue of this series has really killed my enjoyment of the title. This storyline is back-up material at best.

Wolverine and his hit squad are having a hard time of late. This is a team that shouldn’t work. The characters don’t work well together. There are too many conflicting personalities, ideals, and motives. But writer Rick Remender does a wonderful job of smoothly making this dysfunctional team succeed where they have to. I love Deadpool here, more so than in his regular series. I like him playing off of other characters rather than just his internal monologues. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, he and Fantomex need a spin-off road-trip mini-series. The team is down to a skeleton crew for this issue, but Wolvie isn’t worried since he’s assuming the mission will be a cakewalk. Of course it doesn’t turn out like that. After a bit of a confusing stumble with the Captain Britain stuff, I’m back on board with where it looks like this book is going: massive murder, moral conflicts, and the eventual wringing of hands and pulling of hair.

Wolverine and the X-Men is still my favorite post-Schism X-book. It’s weird to see Wolverine in the role of headmaster, but it works, and the kids are all amazing. There’s a bit of dissention in the ranks this issue, and it doesn’t seem forced at all. Jason Aaron does a good job of explaining why certain characters make certain decisions. So far I’m enjoying this little slice of the Avengers vs. X-Men crossover than anything else happening with it. I also like that Aaron isn’t abandoning current plot threads to focus on the crossover. We still get a good dose of Angel and Genesis and even a bit of Quentin and Idie.

I also picked up a couple of back issues for my collection, and I picked up a few issues for my oldest son. We sat on the floor of my comic book room (read: my walk-in closet) bagging and boarding our new issues. I got him Justice League Adventures #s 2 and 3 and I ended up getting:

Amazing Spider-Man #656 (Captain America 70th Anniversary variant cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #665 (I Am Captain America variant cover)
Amazing Spider-Man #671 (my favorite cover in quite some time)
Justice League Adventures #1 (it actually came with my son’s grab pack, but I kept it because of the Alex Ross cover)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4

Here are the new comics I’m expecting to get next week:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Teeth-Pulling Video Constitutional

Misha Collins was on The Soup, and I'm not totally sure what he was plugging. He was in a bit with some Spartacus actors (wasn't Lucy Lawless' character killed?), and Joel said he was from Supernatural, which was plugged. Is Misha coming back soon? I hope so. Also, Joel butchered the pronunciation of Castiel (which isn't shown in the clip, but Misha comes back for a bit and kicks the crap out of Joel.

Oh wait! Here it is!

I don't like American Idol, and I've even stopped watching the train-wreck auditions, but this clip made the rounds, and yeah, I would totally support this guy all the way through.

Meat balls with candy centers? No thanks, Epic Meal Time. The sausage chili banana split doesn't look all that bad, though.

I've seen the first season of Mad Men, but not the rest. I've been meaning to, and I'm going to work like hell to get caught up before the new season starts. Maybe then I'll appreciate this a little more.

Just like mash-ups, I'm a sucker for well-produced supercuts. Remember that scene from "When Harry Met Sally"? Yeah, you know the one. Here's a great supercut that expands on it.

The Walking Dead meets the Growing Pains opening theme. The day is done, my friend. You won't find anything better than this today.

Paul Rudd answers the age-old question: why do dudes like boobs?

Ask a Grown Man With Paul Rudd from Rookie on Vimeo.

If AMC is smart, they'll link to this Breaking Bad video for months leading up to the premiere of the final season. This is amazing. Acording to the description, it's clips of the show set to an Ennio Morricone remix from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."

This is kind of funny, but the real draw to this is Joel McHale's hair. Points removed for not being embeddable.

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas bills here and an unsure/shaky work situation. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Recognition Video Constitutional

I love quality mash-ups, and here's one from MadMix Mustang. Queen + The Beatles = Fat Bottomed Girls Come Together.

Epic Meal Time's candy recipes always make me feel a little sick after watching them. Regardless, it's still an entertaining video every week.

Is it wrong to actually want to vote for the joke candidate?

I got into Breaking Bad between the latest season and the one previous, but I absolutely fell in love with it. This supercut of various POV scenes is mesmerizing.

You know, this supercut of Brad Pitt eating in movies isn't BAD, but it's not all that great, either. It's a bit misleading. The creator of the supercut wants us to believe Pitt eats a lot in movies, but the majority of this is clips from the Ocean's movies and a few from Meet Joe Black. In the first, that's just what his character does. It's like the brothers with their constant bickering or Don Cheadle trying to be British. And the stuff from Meet Joe Black? It's Death trying new things, so of course he's going to be trying different foods. Meh.

Mike should totally have been awarded the $800 back during the break. Totally correct answer.

I DVRed the Golden Globes so I could fast forward through the crap and just watch Ricky Gervais and the acceptance speeches from actors I liked and for shows I love. Turns out, nope, I recored the Red Carpet pre-show instead. Dammit. Well, here's Gervais' opening monologue.

This video of inappropriate wooing during Saved by the Bell clips needs to be longer. The funny is just too short.

When the trailer for "John Dies at the End" started, I was thinking that it looked like a creepy little flick somewhere along the lines of Frailty. Then it just got weird.

Raise your hand if you asked for a video of dogs barking the Star Wars theme. No? Nobody? Well, I'm glad somebody decided to do this, 'cause it's awesome.

I would have listened to more of Will Smith's solo stuff if it were more like this. As it stands, he needs Jazzy Jeff.

I can't see Tom Lenk as anything other than Andrew from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and that kind of makes this a little bit funnier, because really, it isn't all that funny.

Hello Caller - watch more funny videos      

So how about a Funny or Die video worth watching? Rachel Bilson in shorty shorts rapping about her CW show "Hart of Dixie." I don't watch the show, but Bilson is cute as hell.

Joel McHale was on Sesame Street. That's all you need to know.

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas bills here and an unsure/shaky work situation. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What You Should Have Seen #21

I've got a friend who is constantly at a loss whenever certain movies are referenced between me and other mutual friends at work. It came to a head a couple of weeks ago, so two friends and I came up with a list of 100 movies that this girl has to watch by the end of the year. These are cinema classics or the highest examples of film. These are movies we all love and reference, most of them constantly.

So I don't come across as hypocritical, I'm going to watch the movies on this list that I haven't seen. I can't expect her to watch all of these if I haven't seen them all myself.

So here's her list. It is in no particular order. The highlighted movies are the ones I haven't seen yet.

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Matrix
Star Trek II
Star Trek III
Star Trek IV
Star Trek VI
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
The Godfather, Part I
The Godfather, Part II
Sling Blade
The Usual Suspects
The Professional 
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Reservoir Dogs
L.A. Confidential
Full Metal Jacket
The Sting
Gran Torino
No Country for Old Men
Donnie Darko
The Thing (1982)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Untouchables
The Omen (1976)
The Ghost and The Darkness
Open Range
First Blood
Lonesome Dove
The Last of the Mohicans
Batman (1991) 
Batman Begins 
There Will Be Blood
Boogie Nights
Army of Darkness
The Road to Perdition
12 Monkeys
High Plains Drifter
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Rob Roy
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Rain Man
National Lampoon's Animal House
Mulholland Dr. 
Blazing Saddles
Grosse Point Blank 
Saving Private Ryan
Dazed and Confused
The Blues Brothers
Glengarry Glen Ross
Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
This is Spinal Tap
The Muppet Movie
American History X
Bad Santa
Blade Runner
Clash of the Titans (1981)
Shaun of the Dead
The Wrestler
The Whole 9 Yards
The Thomas Crown Affair
Hudson Hawk
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
The Machinist 
The Jerk 
From Dust 'til Dawn
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Young Frankenstein
The Fifth Element
The Rocketeer

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas bills looming on the horizon. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Clean Shaven Video Constitutional

Nathan Fillion on Conan last week. I want to be best friends with this guy.

Damn, looks like I've got to go vote for the People's Choice Awards now. Thanks a lot, Christy!

So apparently Donald Glover hangs out with puppets? You can't see him in the video, but you can hear him. Sounds like he's the one with the camera.

I don't think this video is all that creative, but some of it is pretty funny. It's two guys at Target trying to get help finding various made-up items.

Has Liam Neeson alway been a badass, or was Taken a shift for him? Whatever the reason, I like him in roles like this. Here's the trailer for his latest film, The Grey.

Oh, HELLS yes! A horror movie written by Joss Whedon? I'll be seeing this in the theater, thank you. No Netflix or Redbox for me on this one. And it's got Topher from Dollhouse in it. Nice to see Whedon giving some work to someone he's already worked with. You don't see that much. /sarcasm

I'll sign an online petition to save Community, but that's about it. After having my heart broken by the likes of Firefly, Arrested Development and Terriers, I realize that good shows sometimes get cancelled. But sure, I'll sign a petition. And post funny videos.

Will Ferrell made some Old Milwaukee commercials for some reason. Sure, why not?

I just found out that American Psycho is getting a remake, and I wanted to share my favorite scene from the movie. I really like Christian Bale. I love Huey Lewis and the News. I love Christian Bale deconstructing Huey Lewis and the News with such a smile. And I love Christian Bale's fancy footwork right before going at Jared Leto with an axe. There are more monolouges following the HL&tN one, which are almost just as good, but this is my favorite. Be warned, there's blood and some language, but I think it's worth it.

American Psycho - Pop Monologues from laviesportive on Vimeo.

Jason Segel. Alison Brie as a Brit. Andy from Parks and Recreation. The same guy who did Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek. This is a romantic comedy I can get behind.

"Thunderstruck" is far and away my favorite AC/DC song. It just pumps you up. So yeah, I'm probably going to like it in a Star Wars mash-up.

Okay, this mash-up of Star Wars and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas made me smile.

If I just say, "Star Wars cello duel," will that be enough to get you to view this video? Musically, it's awesome, and visually, it's surprising.

THIS is why I haven't gotten my kids Kinectimals for our (my) XBox.

Like Pulp Fiction? Ever wanted to see it chronological order? Neither did I, but apparently somebody did. They recut the movie and put the whole damn thing on YouTube. So, here it is.

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas looming on the horizon. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Slow Week Video Constitutional

New TV show on Starz starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Yup, now I'm REALLY happy I'm switching to U-Verse.

The best part of this video is the costume stuff at the beginning. I started watching these videos to actually WATCH them make food.

I am no better for having watched this, and neither will you be, but I just couldn't turn away.

This Back to the Future and Star Wars mash-up is wonderfully done.

Action movies would be a lot less fun if the good guy had a sonic screwdriver.

Also, in case you've forgotten: When I can remember to add this to the bottom of my posts, I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit it out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But when you click ads, I get a little bit of money, and as a single father of three, every penny from every source helps...especially with Christmas looming on the horizon. So I’m going to keep this tiny bit of begging at the bottom of my posts, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. The only thing it costs you is time. :) Thanks so much!

Friday, October 7, 2011

McNopoly Is Back Video Constitutional

With some new rumors about a new season of Arrested Development before a movie would come out, some people have started celebrating. And really, if a studio or network doesn't get behind this, they're a big chicken.

Arrested Development Chicken Dances - Watch MoreFunny Videos

A week full of new Epic Meal Time videos? All about french fries? Sure, why not.

I'm not the biggest fan of Ben Templesmith. I'm not all that into horror comics, and his sketchy, Bill Sienkiewicz style of art puts me off. After watching the fan film based on his four-issue "Welcome to Hoxford" series, though, I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate my views of his work. I think I may have to check out this series, and then see what else he has going on.

Welcome to Hoxford, the fan film from Julien Mokrani on Vimeo.

This is one of the best video bombs I've seen.

This video of a goat failing at being a goat made me laugh, maybe a little more than it should have.

Thank you, Monkey and Apple, for making a video that addresses the biggest problem with Emma Frost's costumes.

I'm really starting to like these Bad Lip Reading videos. They take aim at Michele Bachmann here.

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen, but at the same time it's incredibly cool.

I wasn't totally sold on this video until the end. They took it where I needed it to go.

This video gives us a reverse showing of River Song's (Melody Pond) appearances in the last few seasons of Doctor Who, which in turn put her appearances in chronological order. It was very well done and illustrates the forethought that goes into this show.

This is the best Star Wars re-edit I've seen since the Blu Ray footage and news was announced. Gangsta 3PO? Gangsta 3PO.

How? What? How?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pizza Day Video Constitutional

"Little Debbie? Big slut." I've never liked smores. I like marshmallows, I like chocolate, and I like graham crackers...I just don't like them all together. THIS smore just looks nauseating.

Mac n cheese n brains (with bacon and extra cheese), deep fried brains, scrambled eggs and brains, candied brains, and brain Big Macs. Honestly, it doesn't sound terrible.

Okay, Juggalos. Sometimes you fascinate me, sometimes you disgust me, but despite your message of inclusion, I do not respect you. This video doesn't help your cause. I'm not going to embed it because of how NSFW it is, but I will provide a link because it IS a fascinating video.

Drive looks like a good movie, but not good enough for me to see in theaters. I like Baby Goose (think about it), Hendricks and Cranston. I also like this video.

I like Supernatural's very simple opening, but if it had to have a typical music-backed opening credits, this would be perfect...assuming they could afford to use a Led Zeppelin song.

The only season of Mad Men I've seen so far is the first, so I actually recognize this scene. And I'm really curious as to what Facebook Timeline is going to look like. This is a pretty damn fine mash-up of the two.

WTF is this? Her lip synching is horrible!

I saw Bridesmaids last week and loved it. Here's a great bonus feature, the longest argument ever.

And then how about the movie's gag reel?

I shared a video from Bad Lip-Reading when they poked fun at a Michael Buble video. Here they are taking aim at Rick Perry, and it's kind of awesome.

How To Make Pickup and Hookup Lines by Jenna Marbles. I took notes.

This Conan video isn't laugh out loud funny, but it's cute and I chuckled a little. And Anne Hathaway is REALLY hot, so there's that.

I don't care all that much for Mark Wahlberg, but he appeared on Kimmel with a friend who ate two wasabi balls and drank three cups of tobasco sauce. I couldn't turn away from it. I don't eat spicy hot things, so I can't even imagine what this would have felt like.

Have you ever wanted to hear the Imperial March from Star Wars played by two floppy disc drives? No? Well, screw you, here it is anyways.

I'm pretty sure I posted the first Cardboard Warfare a while back, so here's the second installment. It's a lot longer but no less impressive. Also, if you've ever wanted to know what Band of Brothers wold have been like with cardboard weapons, this'll give you a good idea.

Probably for the rest of the month I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit it out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But my experiment this weekend proved to me that I actually AM making a spot of cash whenever the ads are clicked. So I’m going to put this little disclaimer on the bottom of all my posts for the next month or so, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. Thanks so much!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rainy Day Video Constitutional

I don't think I need to say anything other than Kenny Powers IS Darth Vader.

This 15-year-old girl going all beat-box on a flute is amazing. I would have been friends with more floutists in high school if they were able to do this.

I didn't want to post this because I didn't want to give this damn "church" any more publicity, but it's the Foo Fighters, and this helps to prove their awesomeness.

Once again I missed the Emmys, and these clips make me wish I hadn't.

Here's Jane Lynch's full intro. Most of it is only slightly below average, but the Mad Men stuff is wonderful. I tried to cut out the bad stuff, but I couldn't. If I did this correctly, though, the video should start at the right time.

I've never watched Mike & Molly, so I don't know how deserving the winner for Best Actress in a Comedy Series was, but I refuse to believe she was better than Pollen, Fey or Plimpton. Regardless, the presentation of nominees and the winner's speech were excellent.

This was my favorite of the dreadful Emmytones. I felt bad for Joel McHale and Zachary Levi, only slightly bad for Colby Smothers.

Despite the talent involved in this (Andy Samburg, Emma Stone, Bill Hader, Zach Galifiankis, Seth Rogen, Ken Jeong, Ed Helms, Emma Stone, Samuel L. Jackson ['cause he's in everything], Aziz Ansari), it's a big pile of meh at best. But hey, it's funny people delivering bad Star Wars lines, so there's a BIT of entertainment to be had, and Emma Stone is just a delight to watch.

I don't have time to watch all the late-night talk shows that I want to, so I'm glad highlights are almost instantly available. And I applaud Conan for his reaction to Nicole Scherzinger's bust (PUN!).

I like Joseph Gordon-Levitt as much as the next guy, but this movie looks like a joke. It looks like the plot of a '90s action movie with dialogue that is just corny as hell.

This trailer has no dialogue, just two minutes of pure action and violence, and I want to see the movie so badly now. And the music is by Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, so that's a plus.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia outtakes? I guess I know what I'm going to be doing this morning.

More Star Wars fun! This time we let Porkins have the day he deserves.

And here we have Vader reacting to various things.

I watched this video, like, 10 times and I STILL don't know how to play rugby. And I'm sleepy.

LYNX - Rules to Rugby from Soap Creative on Vimeo.

Probably for the rest of the month I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit it out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But my experiment this weekend proved to me that I actually AM making a spot of cash whenever the ads are clicked. So I’m going to put this little disclaimer on the bottom of all my posts for the next month or so, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. Thanks so much!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Better Late Than Never Video Constitutional

I don't like Oprah, but I love this video.

Tom Cruise gets a letter from his Australian cousin. He's so emotional!

With the changes to the upcoming Star Wars Blu-Ray releases announced, it's fun to go back and look at some classic Star Wars clips.

George Carlin was never one of my favorite comedians, but Louis C.K. is. Here's Louis's tribute to Carlin.

I will pigeon fight you!

It's almost time for new TV shows! Here's a pretty good edit of Community that turns awesomeness into a song.

This Epic Meal Time video seems kind of lazy. It's just a bunch of hot dogs and bacon, with some Jack Daniels mixed with some ketchup. Forgive me, but I usually expect some actual cooking to be done.

I may have to put EMT in time-out for using a Limp Bizkit reference in this video. Or maybe I need to go in time-out because I got the reference. Also, I really want to try an In and Out burger. Okay, the burger bullets were pretty awesome, as was the guy who snorted the burgers. Nice.

I felt bad for laughing at this, but that didn't stop me from laughing more.

I don't like Charlie Sheen, and I will NOT watch his roast, but I'm in the middle of watching the West Wing, so I'm on a bit of a Martin Sheen kick. This is a great commercial all around.

Here's an important PSA about driving. I think it's an important lesson to us all.

I've never seen Slapshot, but I know I like it more than any of the Twilight movies. Here's a mash-up of the two, and yeah, it's worth it.

Text about the video that the writer thinks is funny, but the readers have heard it all before.

George C. Scott doesn't like Lucas's new changes to the Star Wars Blu-Ray releases either.

I imagine all Twilight fans are exactly like this.

I'm currently watching The West Wing. I've seen the first four seasons, but I got sidetracked and never watched the rest. I'm now rewatching what I've already seen (since I saw it YEARS ago) so I can finish the season, but I don't think I'll ever see a scene in the show as good as when President Bartlett calls the Butterball hotline. Awesome.

Why did nobody tell me that Idris Elba was in a BBC show? I'm disappointed in ALL of you.

Probably for the rest of the month I’m going to whore myself out with an impassioned plea: click on the ads. PLEASE click on the ads. I don’t care if you exit it out of it immediately or actually look around. This isn’t some professional blog where I believe in the products I’m shilling. These are automatic ads placed by Google. But my experiment this weekend proved to me that I actually AM making a spot of cash whenever the ads are clicked. So I’m going to put this little disclaimer on the bottom of all my posts for the next month or so, and I hope you’ll take an extra 10 seconds after reading my blog to click on an ad. Thanks so much!

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Phone Video Constitutional!!!!

Your obligatory Epic Meal Time post. I loves me some breakfast for dinner.

The opening credits for The Office in the style of the opening credits for Dallas. They should have used this when doing the garage sale episode last season.

Jonah Hill's new movie The Sitter seems quite funny. Kind of looks like Adventures in Babysitting, except a lot dirtier. Also, since I'm such a kind a giving soul, turn your speakers down when the preview starts, or make sure you're not at I was.

I wouldn't watch this version of Star Wars, but I'd watch this video one more time. A girl who has never seen the original trilogy tries to explain what happened.

I did not expect this to go where it went.

I would play this game.

I will watch Paul Rudd in anything, especially a Funny or Die video.

Every time Kanye West opens his mouth, I want to punch it. I dig some of his music, though. And I like Jay-Z a lot more. So I'm not totally against this new collaboration, and I kind of like the song...that is until the end when Kanye just starts screaming in a little girl voice.

If you can get past the EXTREME!!!! douchiness of the two performers (one moreso than the other), this is some pretty awesome music. Cello duets of pop/rock songs. I think "Smells Like Teen Spirit" really works on the cello.

I'm not a huge magic fan, but I appreciate a good trick...sorry, ILLUSION, because we all know what tricks are. Here are a couple that fool even the great Penn and Teller.

With all the shit I've been through the past two years, it makes me feel very happy that I still believe in love. This video of this surprise wedding is awesome and touching and it gives me faith that love does exist (despite what Bleu sings), and y'know, I'm SOOO looking forward to finding it again.

And then there's this proposal from Chicago Comic Con this year. You can't hear the proposal unless you turn your speakers up all the way, but that doesn't matter. You need to watch it for the end. Fucking epic.

Well, it had to happen. Epic Meal Time finally did a bad video. Looks like they just kind of phoned this one in. I like them because they create these awesome (one might say epic, even) meals, but that was not the case this time.

The 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Film. Makes me want to go back and watch The Dark Knight again.

I knew cats were evil!!!

"Girls like bacon, and if they don't, they're probably racist." Tru dat. And after the poor showing of the meat shield,this video redeems the Epic Meal Time boys.

Holey moley, it's Ok Go and the Muppets. This is awesome.

My uncle shared this video with me and labeled it the ultimate in karaoke. I will admit, this is clever as hell.

Why have I not watched any of the non-album tracks from The Lonely Island?

I kind of have to see Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance because I really like Idris Elba, but was a sequel really necessary? Or wanted? I will say this, the effects look pretty damn awesome.

Here's a super-cut song made up of movie lines that rhyme. The amount of time it must have taken to edit this was, well, I won't say it was worth it. Let's just hope the guy wasn't supposed to be doing something more important.

'Movie Line Rhymes' by Jordan Laws from ScreenWerks on Vimeo.

The Portal video game series has never interested me, but this video is pretty awesome.

There are so many things RIGHT with this clip of Extras featuring Patrick Stewart.

This verbal smack-down of Chris Brown was great.

I was so disappointed when I heard that Locke & Key was not picked up. I know a pilot was finished, and I know it was screened at SDCC this year. I hope that it somehow becomes available to the public. Until then, here's the trailer for what we can't watch.

Locke and Key Trailer 2:17 from some guy on Vimeo.

This new show from Ricky Gervais starring Warwick Davis looks great. I'm thinking more Extras than The Office. Now I want to rewatch Extras.