Thursday, September 27, 2018

My Collections, Part 7: Starman (David Knight)

Before James Robinson came along and rebooted and revitalized the Starman name, David Knight, oldest son of Golden Age Starman Ted Knight, appeared in exactly two comic books, both during Will Payton's series.

David was a dick in Payton's series, and he was kind of a dick at the beginning of Robinson's. To be fair, though, his little brother Jack didn't make things easy for him (do little brothers ever?). I kind of don't want to mention anything else about David for fear of spoiling the series, but c'mon, it's almost 25 years old. If you don't know that David gets murdered in the very first issue (which is actually the Zero Issue...don't get confused about it), then...crap, I guess I went and ruined it.

Like every Starman whom Robinson brought into the series, David grew as a person and a hero, and by the end of the series his death was even more poignant and important.

Yeah, David gets killed. Robinson did a great job of making us care about him right before killing him off at the end of the first issue. He had to do it, though, because we had to get Jack to take up the mantle and cosmic rod.

Have List

Blackest Night #6 (regular, variant, and sketch)
Starman Vol. 1 (1988 series) #26-27
Starman Vol. 2 (1994 series) #0, 3, 5, 7, 19, 36-37, 49, 64, 66, 75-77, 79, 81, Annual 2
Starman Secret Files #1
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time #1 (Zero Hour UPC, Direct UPC)

Want List

Blackest Night: Rise of the Black Lanterns TPB, HC

Imgur album of David's appearances that I have.

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