Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Video of the Day

Okay, today's video/song is...a little crass. Maybe a tad juvenile. But hey, I never said this was a family show.

I love Tool. I love A Perfect Circle. I'm starting to love Puscifer, but it took me until Conditions of My Parole to REALLY get into them...except for this song. I've loved it since the moment I heard it. It's one of the most tongue-in-cheek, awesome things I've ever heard.

This is the first thing that popped up when I searched for the song in YouTube. It's a live recording of the song with some well-timed pictures. Maynard and the rest of the band were in Nashville last month, and I was so disappointed that I couldn't go. A friend said it was one of her top five concerts ever. High praise indeed.

Here's the original song. It's a fan video, so keep that in mind. It's still pretty good, though, and the song is still awesome.

My favorite version of the song, though, is the "Disco Viagra Mix." It's just so damn catchy.

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