Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine Video Dump

This is a rather long clip, but it's funny...if you have a juvenile sense of humor like me.

Let's see if I can get some search engine visits to the site by posting this MEGAN FOX NUDE/NAKED MEGAN FOX IN A BATHTUB commercial from the Superbowl.

In space, no one can hear a chicken scream. And I should've gone to Denny's on Tuesday.

I will promote almost any original programming on FX because most of it is excellent. Here's the latest trailer for Justified, starring Timothy Oliphant.

Here's the trailer for The Wild Hunt, a movie about Viking live action role playing. And it's not a comedy.

If you've never watched Drunk History, you are truly missing out. Here's a drunk girl explaining the story of Oni something-or-other, one of George Washington's slaves. Pay attention to the hiccups.

Commercials don't work on me. I don't buy something because someone else tells me to. I make my own decisions, dammit! Except, I may have to buy some Old Spice now, because this commercial makes me want to be a better man.

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